Sanyo HIT 190
Sanyo HIP-190BA3, HIT 190 Watt Solar Panel
Superior Temperature Attributes
HIT solar cells have superior
temperature characteristics compared to conventional crystalline silicon solar
cells. As outside temperatures rise,
HIT solar cells produce more electricity (kWh) than conventional crystalline
silicon solar cells at the same temperature.
Environment Friendly Process
SANYO HIT solar cells are 0.2mm thick, using less silicon materials than
conventional solar cells at about 0.35mm.
Aesthetic, Usable Equipment
Modules have a black anodized aluminum frame, come pre-equipped with an electrically
safe junction box, lead wires, and MC™ connectors.
Fundamental, Valuable Features
SANYO HIT modules produce electricity. The modules make no noise, are 100%
emission free, and have no moving parts (low maintenance). Product workmanship
is guaranteed for 2 years and power output performance for 20 years. The modules
resist wind, fire and 1” hail. Anti-reflective coatings applied to HIT solar
cells maximize sunlight absorption. The size of the modules give owners maximum
power in a set space. The modules weigh less than conventional modules and
reduce weight on roofs. The module's unique frame helps installers save money
on structures, installation costs, and time.